Healing Centered Principal Cohort

Amala Foundation’s Healing Centered Principal Cohort program aims to foster personal and collective growth within school districts through experiential sessions that prioritize wellness, stress management, mindfulness, healing-centered practices, and community building, all with a goal to serve as an antidote to burnout. Amala staff provides the necessary support to help participants identify their professional challenges while also prioritizing their well-being. Additionally, we equip participants with new tools to implement in their work within their school communities.

Through Amala’s professional development programs, participants can enhance their ability to build healing-centered communities by embarking on their own personal healing-centered journey. Our program provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals and develop a supportive professional network. Participants can also create a context for renewal and regeneration within a professional cohort, gain collective professional knowledge and wisdom, and learn simple facilitation strategies that support team building, communication, decision-making, and problem-solving. Considering the high cost of administrator turnover across the nation, our innovative programs have been shown to mitigate signs of burnout for administrators. A recent high school participant shared, “There were daily moments when I was ready to quit. Amala is part of the reason why I did not leave and why my staff did not lose a principal.”

Connect with Amala Foundation for more information at info@amalfoundation.org

READ: Impact of Amala’s Healing-Centered Series  

A small study with Austin ISD Principals 

Chelsea Cornelius, Ph.D. Recent national research by the RAND Corporation indicates that teachers and principals report worse well-being than other working adults in the pandemic era, including higher levels of job-related stress, depression, and burnout. Eighty-five percent of principals experience frequent job-related stress, citing their staff’s mental health and well-being as one of their top stressors (Steiner et al., 2022).